Blog I’m writing isn’t some stupid and tempered thoughts …it’s a thought, which
was swinging in my mind and heart for a long time…. Don’t think I’ against
peace, it’s just that I don’t wanna see anymore dead bodies and fake revolt and
I’m dying to see my country rising) I’m dying to see my country rising)
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I know i'm crazy to dream this !!But can't help |
Been a long time since I haven’t updated my blog, it is because I’m selfish and
I admit it. Unless a thunder of grief or tensions doesn’t come to hit my life I
don’t get energy to write or express myself. You don’t know how much I hate to
write this blog cause I never wanted to write this. But everything has its
limit and when it goes beyond limit it takes the other way. I’m writing this, as
my blog friends are all from different parts of the world and I want to share
the story of my birthplace, my birth country and I’m sure you won’t regret it
as it’s a strange story and at some place you can help me commenting on the
thoughts and idea you have about my country.
friends and people (from my country) don’t get me wrong as this blog is just
the reflection of my thoughts and I’m not being outsiders or a fake citizen. I
know that getting a different passport and trying to mimic foreign accent
doesn’t make me foreigner and I also know that even today if I vomit and look
for the food particles strung in the gap of my teeth, there would be food particles
(gundruk and sinki ) from my birthplace. Wherever I go or what ever I do my
identity and the fact that I’m from Nepal won’t change. Hey! You are wrong. I
don’t hate my country. I just feel sorry for myself and my fellow countrymen
and women.
from Nepal and Nepal is my birthplace and it’s the fact that I won’t regret
until I’m mentally sick. Fact that I lived my childhood and the way my country gave
me few peaceful moments to rejoice my innocence and wilderness would always
motivate me to love my country. . Yeah! However or at what condition I will stand
but my body and soul will always tempt to have his last moments in Nepal.
my country is on fire and it’s us (Nepalese people) who lit the fire. Fires of
discrimination, racism because of the fact you belong to different tribe and
different parts of the Nepal? Does it make sense? Yeah I think it does, as some
of the people who are leading such fake revolution are people with Degrees and
Doctorate. I’m writing this because I want the world to know what makes
Nepalese different from them or what we lack in our sperm and ova so that we
can’t give birth to a true Nepalese a strong and true revolutionary.
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Yeah You can be the next MP !!! taking oath !!! |
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This is what we fight for! For a ray of light...for a hope..fake |
My countrymen
have started to turn into bats and owls because we don’t have electricity and
kerosene to lit light during nights.
Again we have started to gain that lost vision power to see things in
the darkness because of the load shedding we are having. At some places people
just don’t remember when they charged their phones for the last time and
unfortunately my home do fall in that place. Except the fact my country is one
of the richest in natural resources in the world we had nothing to make our
country stand out but now we do have facts to make us stand out as the country
with longest load shedding, the longest strike (most days of the year being
strike) for economy market falling down for having the greatest and dumbest
number of ministers with exceptional qualities of bribery.
country might have trends or fashion of clothing and music but in my country,
currently there is a trend to create a new political party and the competition
to organise strike. It’s not the outsiders to lead and follow that strike; it’s
us to support them. Oh!! Though we don’t have a train in our country but we do
have a longest train of strikes and demonstration as one strike leads the other
for e.g. few months back students put on a strike because they couldn’t cheat
on their exam and some groups demonstrated against them. Wow it can be a fun to
listen but it’s nothing worse than to be a victim.
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Current trend in nepal!! Fake or Real???? |
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Those bodies proved to be just a sacrifice for our leaders !!!! |
I nearly forgot to share one thing as it’s been old but fact is fact we did
turned blind and deaf when our own king and his family were murdered? What a
shameless people we have turned, as we were the one who used to die protecting
their relatives but turned deaf and blind when we lost our own guardian and
yeah worshipped the murdered in the form of god and regarded as a next king.
I’m not in favour of monarchy but with the least humanity we could have done
better than what we did then.
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I wonder if that grin is for the change he had in his life! |
was a decade long Maoist Revolution which ended with the end of Monarchy but
shamelessly I have to tell that after multiple of years we haven’t been able to
bring the right constitution in our country because we are really busy dividing
our share of seats in the parliament and exchange with cleverer ministers to suck
the people and country. Oh! How can I forget about the leaders who leaded the
revolution? they used to live in jungle but now they have bungalows and cars,
expensive gadgets and they have gained much weight perhaps falls on the obesity
category. There were always good changes
after a long and hard revolt in the world and its history but my country has made
a record from being worse to worst after a decade long bloody revolution. But
we have progressed on giving birth the hundreds of new cheap leaders and
ministers. A glued and totally weightless leader and minister who have the
tenacity to extend as a rubber to get power and money, that’s what we have
progressed so far after the sacrifice of thousands of innocents people. I think
even the current government official don’t hold the statistics about the number
of political parties in the country because every day there is a birth of new political
not writing this blog to curse ministers or leaders of our country as that
would prove me helpless to the world but want to prove that how foolish we (Nepalese)
are. “ Unite we stand Divide we fall “ we know that but did remix to this
saying and have our one “Unite we fight divide we kill” as we are busy to
dividing our country. I tagged us as a ‘fool’,
and you might be reddened with anger about my accusation. Why I called everyone
fools? Because it is the truth and I know its bitter but we earned it. Look
around you who is going on a strike and burning tyres and doing the act of vandalism?
Is it the Leaders or we? Technically leaders tend to lead but in my country the
supporter leads and leaders hides in a safe place. We preach of peace but at
the same time get to the road shouting the slogans and burning tyres. Aren’t we
foolish? Aren’t we multi tongued and confused about what we want?
How many leaders were killed in a decade long
civil war and how many ministers were killed and murdered till now in our country?
Perhaps our fingers becomes too much to count, Isn’t it? But can you count the
number of our people killed and murdered till now? No we can’t …It’s not coz we
don’t know the number but it’s because we killed them and have guilt as we
stand there supporting their murderer.
What a bunch of eunuch people we have been? A county of Gurkhas!!! Gurkhas
who kept the world under fear to lead the foreign country to victory but when
it comes to fighting for ourselves we proved to be a dead soul or dead body ………
when it comes to bravery we have always been short sighted. We have been blinded and fooled and played
emotionally by these leaders. We are too emotional about some fragile cause. We
demonstrate and revolt without thinking and later regret and blame on others.
We have the courage to kill sick patients to hospital by burning ambulance or
blocking their way but we are scared to slap a minister or leaders? We have
this tradition of being a meat-eating monk. No! We are eunuch, a clever one who
don’t have the guts to face to truth but have the guts to do anything if there
is some backup, after all we all are same like leaders looking a safe path for
our own. Isn’t It??
demand of equality but we are ourselves discriminating among ourselves else why
a Nepalese who have courage to murder innocent people can’t murder a cruel and
selfish minister or leader. It’s because we believe their life’s hold multi
value than the average citizen. Am I right? Just stay with your heart.
we are foolish coz though how much the ministers and political parties twists
us and torments us instead of murdering them we are murdering the innocence.
Don’t we know the law? Sentence of killing a minister and an innocent citizen
is same!!!! Hope I’m right here!
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People hate her for being a suicide bomber ! but i truly wonder about her courage !!! |
I’m serious about testing and comparing my semen with the guys from other parts
of world who can give birth to a suicide bomber and I can’t (ALL NEPALESE)? I’m
eager to know what lacks in our semen and ova? How we aren’t able to give birth
to one suicide bomber who can die for his country but can give birth to
thousands of gurkhas who can die for foreign country? I’m serious about bombers
and killers. Sometimes when I hear of a man/ woman who were killed coz their
ambulance have been burned or hospitals been shut coz of some stupid
demonstrations I really wish that the death person were able to foresee his
death and turned into suicide bomber and killed our one of the ministers.
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This is what we can do !!! (hahhaha) |
are preaching peace but it’s so fake and gay that we our selves can’t face each
other looking in the mirror. What
difference does it make if you kill a fake leader in spite of innocent citizen?
If we are truly seeking peace then this should have happened a long time ago.
It’s not happening because we have been used to being their characters a proper
robotic dolls and true servant but at the same time can’t stop barking like a
stray dogs about our demand of a peaceful country. Oh! Come on stop preaching
and acting like a bunch of fool by organising peace rallies or any stupid
movement if you seriously want to revolt then hit the target in his chest
thrust your khukuri on his body, shove their heads and only they will start to
think about the consequences. Else it’s all in vein coz their hearts have
already turned to stone after they played the holi with our people’s blood. A
proper raw blood. The revolt should be upside down. In the earlier revolution
people were killed but the one I’m talking the leaders should be killed. At
least after that we can get a true leader who is ready to sacrifice his head to
serve the country and that’s when we can hope a pure patriotism from them.
Every leader who is so busy to divide our country I have two middle fingers
pointing towards you and yeah it’s for you!!!
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I'm Wating for that rifle to be pointed towards our ministers!! |
I’m just waiting for the fear inside us to be burned
or waiting for the birth of true revolutionary who can sacrifice his life
rather than drooling with the selfishness like you and me by killing these fake
the days to come!!!